Frequently used Turkish words for tourists

Turkish Word

Millions of tourists visit Turkey every year. You can find very comfortable English-speaking people in tourism centers and hotels in Turkey, but it can be useful to know some Turkish words.

In places such as cafes, restaurants, and bars, the menus are usually written in both Turkish and English.

In Turkey’s main tourist centers such as Antalya, Fethiye, Marmaris, and Bodrum, there are many people who speak languages other than English, such as German, Russian and Arabic.

Turks are very hospitable and try to help tourists in every way to be satisfied with their holiday in Turkey. However, sometimes you may encounter people who do not speak English.

Also, Turkish people like to speak Turkish, even if it’s just a few words, and they give you extra attention. Before we are getting start, I would like to offer a Turkish English dictionary which is an English Turkish dictionary as well. This can be very helpful to understand Turkish language better. Also you can learn free Turkish from these online resources.

Table of Contents

Frequently used Turkish words and their English equivalents

We have prepared the most used words for you in categories.

Most used Turkish Words

English Turkish Pronunciation
Hi Selam Seel-am
Hello Merhaba Mare-ha-ba 
Good bye Güle Güle guul-e guul-e
Good morning Günaydın Gun-ayy-din
Thank you Teşekkür ederim  Te-sh-qy-err ed-err-im
Please Lütfen Lutt-fen
Yes Evet Ev-et
No Hayır Ha-ear
Sorry Üzgünüm Uzz-gu-num
Excuse me Affedersiniz Aff-ed-dir-san-iz
I want İstiyorum Iss-ti-yorr-um
I don’t want İstemiyorum Iss-te-mii-yorr-um
Food Yemek Yemm-ek
Drink İçecek Icc-e-cek
Mr Bay Bay
Mrs Bayan Bay-ann
But Ama Ama
Or Veya Vee-ya
And Ve Vee
Child Çocuk Coo-cuk
I can’t speak Turkish Türkçe bilmiyorum Turrk-ce bill-mi-yor-um
I don’t understand Anlamıyorum Ann-la-mii-yor-um
I’m fine İyiyim Iyy-iyy-im
What time is it? Saat kaç? Saa-at kac?
Can I have …? … rica ediyorum Rii-ca edd-i-yorr-um
Excellent! Çok güzel Cokk gu-zee-ll

Commonly used words in Accommodation in Turkey

The most common Turkish words you may need during your stay.

English Turkish Pronunciation
Hotel Otel Ot-al
Hostel Pansiyon Pen-si-yon
Reservation Rezervasyon Rez-err-va-es-yon
Room Oda O-da
Entrance Giriş Gi-ri-s
Exit Çıkış Ci-kis
Luggage Valiz Ve-liz
Restaurant Restoran Res-to-ran
Cafe Kafe Ka-fe
Air-conditioning Klima Kl-i-ma
Balcony Balkon Baal-kon
Pull Çekiniz Cekk-i-niz
Push İtiniz Itt-i-niz
Cleaning Temizlik Tee-miz-lik
Clean Temiz tee-miz
Reception Resepsiyon Ress-ep-si-yoon
Shower Duş Du-ss
Soap Sabun Saa-bun
Shampoo Şampuan Samm-pu-aan
Towel Havlu Havv-lu
Toilet Tuvalet Tuu-a-let
Toilet paper Tuvalet kağıdı Tuu-a-let ka-gii-di
Swimming pool Havuz Haa-vu-z
Slipper Terlik Teer-liik
Pillow Yastık Yass-tik
Sheet Çarşaf Carr-saff
Balcony Balkon Ball-kon

Frequently Used Words in Food and Drink in Turkey

The most common Turkish words you may want to use in the morning at breakfasts and restaurants.

English Turkish Pronunciation
Food Yemek Yemm-ek
Drink İçecek Icc-e-cek
I’m hungry Açım Acc-im
Meat Et Et
Vegetable Sebze Sebb-ze
Bread Ekmek Ekk-mek
Breakfast Kahvaltı Kahh-vall-ti
Dinner Akşam Yemeği Ak-samm yee-me-gii
Dessert Tatlı Tatt-li
Water Su Su
Beer Bira Bii-ra
Cola Kola Kol-a
Juice Meyve Suyu Meyy-ve Suu-yu
Black pepper Karabiber Ka-rra-bii-ber
Salt Tuz Tuzz
Sugar Şeker Sekk-er
Garlic Sarımsak Sarr-imm-sak
Onion Soğan Soo-gan
Fork Çatal Ca-tt-all
Spoon Kaşık Kass-ik
Knife Bıçak Bii-cak
Glass Bardak Barr-dak
Tea Çay Cayy
Coffee Kahve Kahh-ve
Turkish delight Lokum Lokk-um
Table Masa Ma-sa
Chair Sandalye Sann-dall-ye
Steak Biftek Biff-tek
Soup Çorba Coor-baa
Tip Bahşiş Bahh-sis
Waiter / waitress Garson Garr-soon
Well done İyi pişmiş Iyy piss-mis
Wine Şarap Sarr-ap
Yoghurt drink Ayran Ayy-ran
Serviette Peçete Pee-ce-te
Ice cream Dondurma Donn-durr-ma
Kebab Kebap Kee-bap
Cheese Peynir Peyy-nir
Regional Yöresel Yorr-ess-el

Frequently Used Words in Money Matters in Turkey

Turkish words that you may want to use in shopping, bank, and hotel in Turkey.

English Turkish Pronunciation
Money Para Paa-ra
Bank Banka Bann-ka
ATM Bankamatik Bann-ka-maa-tik
Cash money Nakit Para Naa-kit Pa-ra
Credit card Kredi Kartı Kree-di Karr-tı
Cheap Ucuz Uu-cuz
Discount İndirim Inn-di-rimm
Free Bedava Bee-da-va
Expensive Pahalı Paa-ha-li
High quality Kaliteli Kaa-lii-te-lii
Fake Sahte Sahh-te
Currency Döviz Dov-iz
Foreign exchange office Döviz Bürosu Dov-iz Bur-oo-su
Invoice Fatura Faa-tu-raa
Receipt Makbuz Makk-buzz
Deposit Depozito Dep-oo-zii-to

Frequently Used Words in Transportation in Turkey

Turkish words that you may want to use on the plane, bus, or train in Turkey.

English Turkish Pronunciation
Airport Havalimanı Ha-vaa-li-maa-ni
Bus Otobüs ott-o-buss
Train Tren Trr-een
Plane Uçak Ucc-ak
Car Araba Arr-a-baa
Ship / Boat Gemi Gee-mi
Taxi Taksi Takk-si
Ticket Bilet Bill-ett
Fee Ücret Ucc-ret
For rent Kiralık Kirr-aa-lik
Map Harita Harr-ii-ta
Ferry Vapur Vaa-pu-rr
Passenger Yolcu Yoll-cu
Motorway Otoyol Ott-oo-yol
Road Yol Yoll
Port Liman Lii-man
Quay İskele İss-kee-le
Station İstasyon Iss-tass-yon
Street Sokak Sokk-akk
District İlçe Ill-ce
City Şehir Sehh-ir
Speed Hız Hızz
Traffic Trafik Trr-aff-ik
Traffic penalty Trafik cezası Trr-aff-ik cezz-aa-si
Distance Mesafe Mee-sa-fee

Frequently Used Words in Touristic Places in Turkey

Frequently used Turkish words that you may need in tourist places in Turkey.

English Turkish Pronunciation
Castle Kale Kaa-le
Ancient Antik Ann-tik
City Şehir Sehh-ir
Museum Müze Mu-ze
Card Kart Ka-rrt
Church Kilise Ki-lii-se
Mosque Cami Ca-mi
Palace Saray Sarr-ay
Square Meydan Meyy-dan
Tower Kule Ku-le
Tourism Turizm Turr-iz-im
Tourist Turist Turr-ist
Turkish bath Hamam Hamm-am
Island Ada Aa-da
King Kral Krr-al

Cappadocia Pronunciation

Pronunciation Cappadocia is very common that wondered. It shouldn’t be too hard to pronounce the name of this magnificent place that receives millions of visitors every year, right?

Cappadocia pronunciation in English sounds like Ka-pa-dow-sha. But what about the locals?

How do Turks say Cappadocia? (Cappadocia pronunciation in Turkish)

Cappadocia Turkish pronunciation is Ka-pa-dok-ya. If it is too hard for you, just show the word either in English or Turkish. People probably will understand where do you mean it.

Frequently Used Words in Time Expressions in Turkey

Frequently used Turkish words that you may need in Time Expressions in Turkey.

English Turkish Pronunciation
Afternoon Öğleden sonra Ogg-le-den Sonn-ra
At the moment Şu anda Su ann-da
Early Erken Err-ken
Evening Akşam Ak-samm
Last week Geçen hafta Gecc-en Haff-ta
Late Geç Gecc
Later Sonra Sonn-ra
Morning Sabah Sa-bahh
Next week Gelecek hafta Gell-ee-cek haff-ta
Night Gece Ge-ce
Now Şimdi Simm-di
Soon Yakında Yaa-kınn-da
This evening Bu akşam Bu ak-samm
This morning Bu sabah Bu sa-bahh
Today Bugün Bu-gunn
Tomorrow Yarın Yarr-ın
Yesterday Dün Dun

Frequently Used Words in Case of Emergency in Turkey

Frequently used Turkish words that you may need in Case of Emergency in Turkey.

English Turkish Pronunciation
Help Yardım Yarr-dim
Police Polis Poll-is
Doctor Doktor Dok-torr
Hospital Hastane Hass-taa-ne
Ambulance Ambulans Amm-bu-la-nss
Dentist Dişci Diss-ci
Medication İlaç Ill-ac
Pain Ağrı Agg-ri
Pharmacy Eczane Ecc-zaa-ne
Stop! Dur! Durr
Fire! Yangın Yann-gin
Accident Kaza Kaa-za

Frequently Used Words for Thank you in Turkish

Thank you in Turkish has several versions that vary depending on the closeness between you and the person you are talking about.

Such as “TEŞEKKÜR EDERİM” tesh-hek-kuur e-de-riim is the most formal and common variation.

You can also prefer “SAĞ OL” and the pronunciation is saa-ool which means “be alive”. This version can be used if you know the people better.

Last but not least, there is a DUDE VERSION for THANK YOU in Turkish and it is “EYVALLAH”. You can say eyy-val-lah

Turkish Words – Colors

Turkish word equivalents of colors.

English Turkish Pronunciation
Black Siyah Sii-yah
Blue Mavi Ma-vi
Brown Kahverengi Kahh-vee-ren-gii
Green Yeşil Yess-il
Orange Turuncu Tu-run-cuu
Pink Pembe Pemm-be
Purple Mor Mor
Red Kırmızı Kırr-mı-zıı
White Beyaz Beyy-az
Yellow Sarı Sa-rı

Turkish Words – Numbers

Turkish word equivalents of numbers.

English Turkish Pronunciation
0 Sıfır Siff-ir
1 Bir Bii-r
2 İki İki
3 Üç Üçç
4 Dört Dö-rtt
5 Beş Beş
6 Altı All-ti
7 Yedi Yee-dii
8 Sekiz Sekk-iz
9 Dokuz Dokk-uz
10 On On

Turkish Words – Days of the Week

Turkish word equivalents of the days.

English Turkish Pronunciation
Monday Pazartesi Paa-zarr-te-sii
Tuesday Salı Saa-li
Wednesday Çarşamba Carr-sam-ba
Thursday Perşembe Perr-sem-bee
Friday Cuma Cuu-ma
Saturday Cumartesi Cuu-marr-te-si
Sunday Pazar Pazz-ar

Turkish Words – Adjectives

Turkish word equivalents of adjectives.

English Turkish Pronunciation
a little az Az
a lot / very / too çok Cok
average / medium orta Orr-ta
bad kötü Ko-tu
big büyük Buu-yu-k
closed kapalı Kaa-pa-lii
cold soğuk So-guk
good iyi Iyi
hot sıcak Sıı-cakk
open açık Ac-ikk
quick hızlı / çabuk Hızz-li
slow yavaş Ya-vass
small küçük Kuu-cuk

Turkish Words – Directions

Turkish word equivalents of directions.

English Turkish Pronunciation
Broken Bozuk Boo-zuk
Down Aşağı Asaa-gi
Far Uzak Uzz-ak
Here Burada Bu-raa-da
Left Sol Sol
Near Yakın Yaa-kin
Right Sağ Sag
Straight on Doğru Do-gg-ru
There Orada Orr-aa-da
Up Yukarı Yuu-kaa-ri

You can do a lot of work with these words, but if you need other words and the person in front of you does not speak English, we recommend you to translate with google translate.


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Frequently Asking Questions About Learning Turkish Words

Here, you can find top questions and answers about learning Turkish language and frequently using words that can help you during your vacation!

How do you say thank you in Turkish?

Thank you is probably the most used word by tourists. The Turkish equivalent of thank you is “Teşekkür ederim”.

How do you say hello in Turkish?

Turks love to greet, they will be very happy if you reply in Turkish. The Turkish word for Hello is “Merhaba”.

Should I learn Turkish while traveling to Turkey?

There are a lot of people who speak English in popular tourist destinations in Turkey, but it would be good to know a few simple words.

Is Turkish a difficult language?

Turkish is more difficult than English, as it is an agglutinative language.